Heidi Seidman, R. H. N.

Heidi Seidman is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist whose passion lies with helping families and children eat healthy, nutrient dense foods.

Heidi spent years in the corporate arena, and after seeing how certain food choices were affecting her own family, following graduation from the Canadian School of Natural Nutrition, she decided to focus her attention to educating others on what exactly is in the food we're eating, what we feed our children, how food affects overall health, behaviour, weight and learning potential.


Heidi helps families learn new and simple ways of modifying diets to encourage healthy growth and balance for all ages.


This self-paced online course is packed with digestible information.

You will finish this course as a more informed and confident caregiver in feeding your children healthy, balanced meals and snacks so that they can learn best and have energy to play! You will be equipped with a meal plan, grocery list, snack ideas, as well as optional vitamins, supplements and immune-boosting food recommendations. You may work at your own pace with the support of the course community, as well as the opportunity to chat live with Heidi and ask her all of your questions!

Example Curriculum

  Welcome to Healthy Habits : Nutrition for Kids!
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 1 - What's in the food that we eat?
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 2 - What do they need and eat your rainbow
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 3 - Reading food labels
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 4 - Meal Plan & Recipes
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 5 - Food Hacks
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 6 - Nutritional Boosters & Supplements
Available in days
days after you enroll
  MODULE 7 : Immune boosters
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Course Overview
Available in days
days after you enroll

Nutrition for Kids Course Pricing

When you know better,

you can live better.

Our hope for you and your children is that you will have the knowledge to make healthy, balanced choices to fuel your body. We are confident that this course will help you build life-long healthy habits to thrive!